Fire Sprinkler System are both fire detection and control systems rolled into one, and thereby the most effective fire suppression system available. A Fire Sprinkler System provides an excellent  fire safety solution  by offering protection, as it suppresses fires with water. It works with a control that constantly monitors temperature and when there is an increase in temperature, the sprinklers are activated, releasing water that drowns out surrounding fires.

The design of a fire sprinklers system is simple  the water attachment is attached to a piping system and water pump. The sprinkler is installed into the ceiling with the water –spitting fixture on the inside of the room and the piping system between the ceiling and the roof. There are currently four types of fire sprinkler systems available. These are as follows:

Pre-action  Sprinkler Systems:

Pre-action fire sprinkler systems are filled with air and water is allowed to pass through when the smoke alarm or detector goes off. This type of system requires two triggers to starts water  flow. It helps greatly that the pre action fire sprinkler can be set to prevent water from spouting in case of a false alarm or a mechanical failure. The pre-action system is good for  use in places where the sprinklers are only necessary when there is an actual fire, so other items in the building do not get water damage from an accidental sprinkling. Such buildings include museums, galleries, libraries and data centres. These places contain items of high value like electronics and goods damageable by water such as books.

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Pre action fire sprinklers system are filled with air and water is allowed to pass through when the smoke alarm


Dry pipe sprinkler are similar to pre action systems as they use pressurised air in the pipe which exits before water escapes. This causes a minute delay in water discharge, but is ideal for buildings with low temperatures, so the pipes do not freeze. These  fire sprinkler system have a fast opening tool to get rid of the air and speed up the flow of water. This system is only suitable in cold climates. A good example would be a parking garage with very low over night temperatures, no heating facilities.


Wet pipe fire sprinkler systems constantly have water in them. This allows for a quick reaction to a fire and is the most common type of sprinkler installed in buildings. Commonly found in high rise or office building with a few floors. This system is efficient and low maintenance.


These systems also need a smoke or heat detector, like the pre- action system. A deluge system has open nozzles that can be used when a hazard is present. When flammable liquids are spread across a floor, deluge fire sprinklers are good to have. In that case, buildings such as industrial parks and buildings with many tanks have deluge fire sprinkler systems installed.

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